Sunday, July 24, 2011

Harry Potter finale: who's next?

I finally steeled myself to go to the last Harry Potter movie tonight.  I was concerned it was going to be too dark, like the previous ones.  But the main reason I hesitated was: this last film in the series marks the end of an era.  I'll probably be in my 80's before the next Epic Hero arises.

Each generation has it's version of the Epic Dragon-Slayer.  Gilgamesh and Beowulf for the ancients; L.O.R. and Narnia for the moderns.  And this particular generation grew up with several delightful dragon-slayers, who all attended Hogwarts, and reminded us to stay true, and keep fighting.

It took about 40 years from the Tolkien + Lewis fans of the late 60's, to the Harry Potterites of the new millennium.  I look forward to meeting (when I am very old) the new Epic heroes.  They will no doubt keep our hearts hopeful and true in the bleakest hours, and bless the next generation of kids with whimsy and laughter.  Until then, I'm very grateful for their books and videos, which lighten our hearts, and encourage our souls.

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