Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Potted Star Sculptures (part 1)

Short of marrying Edward Scissorhands, I don't see how I'm going to get topiary on my patio.
I have this arrangement with my plants, you see:   
I put them in the ground: They grow.
Water, weeding, fertilizer, etc. is not part of the package.  So by Autumn, many of my plants have deserted me, and a topiary just isn't on.
I decided that, rather than having my morning meditations over a plant cemetery, I'd like to look at pots full of twinkly little stars.  This is my experiment in sculptural elements.
I began by shopping. (smile)
Michael's always has lots-o-stars, so I started there.
Then I hit up "Savers", my favorite used stuff place in Arizona.  They had -Glory Be!- actual lawn furniture;
a table and cart to put my sculptures on.   They also had tacky flowers and cool twinkly stuff.

Armed by retail therapy, I was equipped to do the boring part:
Sweep the porch, Move in the furniture, and Wash the old stuff:
(which was good, cause I found more useful stuff:)

and I shall end this post with the most boring part of all:
Putting Dirt in All the Pots, so I could start playing:


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