Only in Scottsdale do people think that the liturgical year should be rearranged for their convenience.
You know that part in the movie "ELF", when the store manager announces Santa is coming, and Will Farrell goes ballistic?
That's how I am about Advent.
The FIRST SUNDAY in Advent is a Big Deal!
There's a reason there are 4 weeks of Advent, and it's not just to roast pigs and drag in the Yule log.
I actually need 4 whole Sundays to get rid of my Expectations, Trepidations, Palpitations and Speculations; and let Christmas just happen.
Why not just admit that we're way better at consuming than we are at meditating and church stuff?
Isn't that why we STILL need Advent ?
We still have to choose whom to follow, and when, and how.
We still have to choose whom to follow, and when, and how.
Postponing it just seems so.....Oxymoron-ish, doesn't it?
The First Sunday in Advent Party is one of those rare days when I can actually say:
Free food and Make-it/Take-it crafts? YEAH, I LOVE Church!
But now that it's on the Second Sunday, I've probably missed the boat, because my own journey to Christ has hit the second week level.
And we all gotta follow the Star that God shows us, no matter how crazy we seem to our friends and family.
I guess I'll just have to get Holy without a purple candle this year. I'll live. ;^)
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