Saturday, December 5, 2009

December Freeby: Free Christmas Trees!

These four foot trees are designed for schools and other groups that need inexpensive backdrops, bulletin boards, and displays for student work.
You can make both patterns and actual trees with scrap paper loaded into your printer, or taken to a copy shop.
Read more, for instructions and download options.

I posted these on flicker, because it was the only site that could accept the full size template!  You can choose several different sizes to download to your computer.

In addition to a regular copyright, they have a Creative Commons license, to print as many as you like. 

The least expensive way, is to take them to a copy place, and print them off on scrap or green papers.  Then paste the sheets together.You can paint or color over the scrap side.
Laminate them for use, year after year.

Click on the black + white image below.  You find the size guide on the grey-print toolbar, above the picture. Enjoy!
Free Christmas Tree 4ft

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