Monday, January 11, 2010

Pesto: $300 an Ounce!

So many pinecones:

so few nuts

This little exercise in gleaning just makes me realize that Pesto should sell for A LOT MORE than it does!

Thank goodness my mentor gave  me some of HER homemade Pesto for Christmas!  She made it with Cashews---(my favorite) instead of PiƱons.
This stuff is sooo thick I'll bet there's 10 grams of Protein in every teaspoon!

I can't give you the recipe because it will probably be included in her cookbook.
Hopefully she'll include the recipe for her amazing Arizona Chocolate Bark that has at least
! TWO!  Count 'em  !TWO!
secret ingredients.

With these goodies in the freezer, I am SOOO ready to hibernate for the winter! 

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