Sunday, November 1, 2009

November Freebie: A Wish For A Soldier

 Send a Shooting Star!

One handwritten note from YOU during the holidays makes a difference;
 especially to the wounded, and those in harms way.
Just print, fold, cut and write
How-to's and websites for American, Canadian and British troops follow:

Thousands of men and women, from several countries, will be deployed through the holidays this year.
The Mail Deadline to reach them by Christmas is December 1st.

However, I've also designed this card to-
* send a wish; any religion, any holiday, any day of the year!
* help the soldier send a wish to someone else  ....and
* added a bonus card for your trouble!
There is both a copyright, and a creative commons  free permission to copy statement on the cards, so you can take it to a printer to make multiple copies.

*Click on the Shooting Star Card for the full size image
*Right click "save image as"-to save it in your computer

*Print and Score,
  Cut away the bonus card, then
 Fold the main card.

Trim the ends when folded, then cut next to the shooting star,
leaving enough in the middle to form a card.

Write your note on the bottom side, letting the soldier know he/she can just detach the top, so send a wish to someone else.  Make it happy, thoughtful, and upbeat!

Enclose an extra envelope, so the soldier can send his/her wish on to others.

**If you are sending this card to a wounded soldier at a medical center, you'll need to enclose the whole thing, unsealed, in an outer envelope.

If you just want to send happy little notes, (forget the folding + cutting) I've also published a variation of Shooting Star Cards in packs, on Zazzle;
-you can pre-print and customize the message you want, no extra charge; just add a signature and a smile.
(and a packet of powdered drink mix would be nice too!)

If you don't personally know someone deployed,
below is information for writing 3 nationalities.  (Simply because my kids are studying in those places)
 A web search will get you more info on writing to other folks.

Canadian Military: Community Guidelines for sending mail
Look for how you can send military mail for free, from Canada!

UK Military;  Support Our Soldiers
Your cards will go to the wounded recovering at the Medical Center in Afghanistan;
You'll need to leave your card in its unsealed envelope, and mail in an outer envelope;
check out their "used stamp" fundraiser

US Military: Any
This is an amazing site, but Pay Attention - there are many rules about what you can send, when + how!
You can look up scores of soldiers, and what they've requested; but you can only request 2 addresses per day.

If you love the idea of a Wish and a Prayer being sent to a whoooole lot of deployed people, then please pass this little Freebie on.  
The More the Merrier!
Dawn the Artist

1 comment:

Unknown said...

an absolutely awesome idea !!! what a great thing to do and to get if you are one of those soldiers! and I love the way its set up for any time of year and for anything! not just a one time deal. thanks!