Monday, November 2, 2009

Christmas Now?

Instead of going to the movies like I'd planned tonight,
I ended up taking home a pre-lit Christmas tree from Walgreens.
And set it up, TONIGHT, on top of the costumes and leftover Halloween candy.
Why?  On November 2nd??

Virtually all the troop support websites ask that you send Hanukkah and Christmas packages now.  Military mail gets seriously clogged around the holidays; packages often not arriving until months later..
When you mail extremely early, the soldiers can use some of your gift resources (like extra cards, stamps, etc) to send home to -their- families for the holidays.

So I'm wrapping presies tonight.
Care to join me?

".......and we need a little Christmas,  right this very minute!"
(a very wonderful, hokey video:)

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