Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Princess, The Frog and Zydeco!

It all started with the tea set.  I hadn't planned to see Disney's "The Princess and the Frog", until I saw the Princess Tiana serving set at ToysRUs.

Having a pathological attraction to tea sets, I naturally had to go to the source.
So on a day last week when nothing went right, I escaped to "The Princess and the Frog".

I don't actually remember seeing a silver tea service in the movie, but it didn't matter.
The jazz was great, Tiana's voice was awesome, and the dialog was hysterically funny.
The clssic animation was good enough to inspire Thomas Kincaids latest release:

But what REALLY floored me was the ZYDECO!

(This is Ray, the Cajun Firefly)
Now, I've been to New Orleans a couple of times, and loved it.
I've spent more time in and around the Bayou than I ever wanted to, and didn't love it.
But it was actually  the Romero Family here in Scottsdale, who taught me to appreciate Cajun things. It was a wonderful surprise to see Disney's version of a Firefly Fais Do-Do!

A Fais Do-Do is an all night Cajun Dance Party, and "Sweet Jennifer" Romero says they are a blast.
The word "Fais Do-Do" is the Cajun version of what you say to toddlers and babies: "go to seepy"
Traditionally, whole families show up, from Grandparents to babies, with potluck dishes to share; and everyone dances.  When it gets late, small children are dossed down in rooms together, watched over by a relative...or just passed around from relative to friend till they fall asleep.

You can see a good example of Lousiana Zydeco dancing here, on YouTube;

This is a video of a Zydeco concert/Fais Do-Do, played by the group Beau Soleil -with- dancing; so don't close it too soon. 

"Sweet Jennifer", this one's for you!

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