Monday, September 3, 2012

Sweet Grapes

You know that Aesop's Fable about the Fox wanting the grapes, but he couldn't reach them?  When he decided
"They're probably sour anyway!"
 he gave all future generations a very useful phrase. The term "Sour Grapes" comforts us in uncomfortable situations. It's especially appropo for sitcom floods at midnight.

 I no doubt saw this procedure done on "Hazel". "Lucy", "Dennis The Menace" or "The Brady Bunch". Running out of dish detergent, my subconsciousI ingeniously substituted a tablespoon of Bubble Bath.
Sitcom flood ensues. So last night, around midnight, I coined the phrase "Sweet Grapes". I can now use it when something looks like a disaster, but ends up being what you wanted all along.

That floor didn't just need mopping; it needed detox. The combination of spilled coffee, ketchup, sugar and coffee grounds hardens into a 3-D glaze that is so impervious to moisture, you could patent it for floor tiles. Except, of course, it's sticky to walk on.  I'd already done a day of preliminary spot soaking, which only softened the top layer.

So last night,around midnight-thirty, I realized I had a "Sweet Grapes" situation. I thought I had wanted clean dishes. What I got was a clean floor, without hours of scrubbing.. SWEET! And no spots on the glasses, either. A therapist would say I'd created a positive cognition. But I just say "It's just Sweet Grapes!".

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